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Joab Okanda

Africa Regional Manager at GGON | Pan African Climate, Energy & Development Expert

Speaker Info


Joab Okanda is a dedicated social justice campaigner, with extensive expertise in strategy development, policy research, campaigns, and influencing on development and climate finance, debt and tax justice, inequality, climate change, food sovereignty, and energy justice. 

He has led the formulation, design, and execution of impactful policy dialogues, advocacy efforts, and campaign strategies targeted at International Financial Institutions (IMF/World Bank), national governments, bilateral and multilateral forums, and institutions such as the African Union, Africa Ministers of Finance Economic Planning and Development, African Ministerial Conference on Environment, African Development Bank, G20, Forum on Africa-China Cooperation, international financial institutions, the World Economic Forum, and UNFCCC, among others. 

He has authored various reports and opinion pieces addressing inequality, the international financial architecture, debt justice, climate change, food sovereignty, and energy justice. He is widely recognized and quoted by national, regional, and international media as an authoritative voice on matters pertaining to inequality, development and climate finance, climate justice and energy. 

Joab was the Pan Africa Senior Advocacy Advisor at Christian Aid and sat on the Board of Climate Action Network-International (CAN I). Now, he is the

He holds a Master of Science Degree in Sustainable Development from the University of Sussex, complemented by a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations and Diplomacy.